Important Updates 22 November 2016

S I Madressa
Tuesday 22 November, 2016
Dear Respected SIM Volunteers,

Salaamun Alaykum
  • Term 3 Marks - 15 Dec 2016
  • Report Cards - 15 Dec 2016
  • L4L Day - 18 December

As we approach end of Term 3 and hence completion of the academic year I would like to begin first of all, on behalf of the admin team, to express my utmost appreciation for your dedication and your contribution to the Madressa and our children.

Only Allah (SWT) can reward you amply for the selfless service you provide to reinforce in our children the essence of the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS).
As we currently are undertaking various assessments I would like to bring to your attention two key action points for you post completion of these assessments:

Marks - T3 Assessments
Upload of marks to the Teachers portal - marks are out of 100%. For details on how to upload please refer to the user guide link below.

Updating Report Cards
As a class teachers you would have completed reports on student performance for Term 1 & 2.

Using the SAME report, you are asked to review the comments made and update as needed taking into consideration the student performance in Term 3.

This will then form the final report for the students that Parents can take part of and also fellow teachers and more importantly it will help future teachers to understand past performance which they can use to further nurture the students in the right direction.
User guides:
Above action points must be complete by latest 15 December 2016.
If you have any questions please do  contact

18 December 2016 - L4L Day
On the last day of the term we will be having a theme based day where students will be engaged in practical activities - details are currently being finalised and will be communicated in due course.

ALL teachers are asked to be present on this final day to be part of the programme and contribute to a positive conclusion of the year.



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