Madressa Parents Email 17 Oct 2014 V2

Parents/Guardians, Salaamun Alaykum

Madressa Policy:
What to do if you are unable to sit an assessment or complete an assignment:
As soon as you are aware that you may not be able to sit a test or complete an assignment, the parent / guardian must inform the Madressa office immediately via email ( or provide a written note.

Madressa Closed for Muharram 12 Days:
The S I Madressa will be closed on the 26 October 2014 and 2 November 2014 for the commemoration of the first 12 days of Muharram. We shall Insha'Allah resume Madressa on the 9th November 2014.

Ashura Letter to Provide for School:
Ashura Day will Insha'Allah be on Tuesday 4th November 2014. Please click here to download the excuse letter from Madressa that you may provide at your child(ren)'s school(s)

Assessment Updates:

Classes 1-4 -
Class 3-4: UPDATED
Full revision list and assessment dates now available on our website here

Classes 5-11
Full revision list and Assessment dates available here


Revision List and Dates as below:
9th Nov 2014: Tareekh 
Revision list here
16th Nov 2014: Fiqh
Revision list here

If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact

Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration

Dates for your Diary:
Sun 19th Oct -Tareekh Assessments 5-11 Boys
Sun 9th Nov - Madressa re-opens
Class 3-4: Akhlaq
Boys 5-11: Fiqh
Girls: 5-11: Tareekh

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