Parents/Guardians, Salaamun Alaykum
Upcoming Events:
Class 1-4 Bake Sale: Sunday 1st June 2014 - see flyer here
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to bake a cake and come in large numbers and support these children raise money for Mahe Ramadhan Relief Fund. Please note the specific timings on the flyer.
Parents Evening: Friday 6th June 2014 - Mandatory sign up here.
Emails have been sent out with all details, if you haven't received your email, please contact admin ASAP.
Events Day: Sunday 22nd June 2014 - Mandatory sign up.
Rides, bouncy castles, team building activities and BBQ. Due date for completing & returning the slip provided in the letter sent to all is 1st June 2014. If you have not received the letter please use the form here. Please note we will not be able to accept any participation without the mandatory registration completed with appropriate payment.
Madressa expects all children to be in their best behaviour whilst in Madressa and bullying will not be acceptable.
What to do if your child is bullied:
You must advise your child to speak to his/her teacher or a member of the Madressa Administration, who will be willing to help.Please know that any bullying incident is treated in the strictest of confidence and will be dealt with both quickly and appropriately.
External Messages
CoEJ Young Boys Camp 2014 – Sweden
Stanmore Jaffery Youth Issues Survey
Dear all,
Salaam'un Alaykum,
We have put together a hugely important survey on various youth issues. We know there are a number of challenges the young people in our community face. To find solutions, we need to collect data and understand these problems.
- Please fill in this survey if you are between 12 and 25 years old.
- The survey will take no more than 3 or so minutes to complete.
- Please fill it in as accurately as possible.
- All information will be held confidentially.
- You may fill in the form anonymously.
- Please share this survey with friends or family who are eligible to complete it.
Link to survey: Click here
Please email myself directly if you have any questions or comments in respect of this survey.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Ali Ghokal
SJ Chairman