Madressa Parents Email 7 March 2014 Final


Friday 7 March, 2014 / 5 Jamaadil ul Awwal 1435
Salaam Alaykum,

Parent/Guardian update
Please find attached here a brief update on the latest developments at the Madressa. Please do take read through this, and particularly the Planning Calendar on the second page. A hard copy will also be distributed to students on Sunday 9 March.

Term 1 Assignments [class 5-11]
The Term 1 Assignment will be made available to Students this coming Sunday insha’Allah for students in classes 5-11 – Akhlaq & Tarikh only. Teachers will brief the students on how to complete the assignment and these instructions will also be stated on the student pack which will be handed out on Sunday. Copies of the documentation will also be emailed on Monday 10 March 2014 and available to download from our website.

A message from SIM CPVs
We would like to thank all parents/guardians and SIM Volunteers for their cooperation over the past few weeks with the road works on Wood Lane and with the levels of congestion at Kenmore. There continues to be road works on Wood Lane and therefore we kindly request your continued patience and early arrival in order to avoid long traffic queues.

World Federation Syria Presentation
Following the substantial amount raised by our students & staff for the World Federation Syria Refugee Appeal, Anisa Kanji delivered a short presentation on behalf of World Federation. Anisa is the Assistant Secretary General of International Relief and Development of The World Federation. Please find the presentation slides attached here for your reference.

Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration


Madressa Is Open This Sunday...
Kenmore: 10:20 am
Stanmore: 10:00 am

S I Madressa - Husaini Islamic Centre, Wood Lane
Stanmore, HA7 4LQ
United Kingdom

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