Madressa Volunteers Email 22/08/2014

SIM Volunteers, Salaamun Alaykum

Teachers Training (Mandatory)
As we look towards Term 3 start, the Madressa has organised a mandatory Teachers Training Session as part of our continuous professional development programme that seeks to equip staff with the necessary tools & support to evolve as teachers.

The training session for all staff will be on:
Date: Friday 5th September 2014
Time: 7:45pm  - 10pm - starting with Salaah
Theme: Safeguarding Children

Please save the date in your diaries and kindly confirm your attendance online here by 30 August 2014 (please note you must still complete the form if your absence is unavoidable): Click here to register.
If there are any queries, please do not hesitate to contact either your HoD or Admin on
With Salaams & Duas

S I Madressa Administration

Dates for your Diary:

Fri 5th Sept - Teachers Training

Sun 7th Sept - Madressa Re-opens


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