Madressa Volunteers Email 26th Sept 2014

SIM Volunteers, Salaamun Alaykum

Teacher's Charter:
Be proactive in ensuring that my classroom is a healthy learning environment for my students and once I complete my lesson I will leave my classroom clean and tidy.
Teacher Tip:
How do you intend to inspire creativity in your classroom?
This is what Sir Ken Robinson thinks:
(the above video has had almost 7m hits to date...)

Teachers Training:

A Teachers Training has been organised on Friday 24th October 2014 from 7:30pm - 10:00pm. An opportunity not to be missed. Please RSVP your attendance here. Below is a summary of the training. 

Inspiring Attention
Traditionally, teacher training has focused on how to get students to focus and take part in adult-led activities. This training will encourage us to reflect on how we can inspire students to attend, rather than comply, by asking ourselves, "is it worth it for the child to attend to our chosen activity?"
The session will cover:

  • The developmental stages of attention
  • Ideas to capture attention
  • Positive adult-child interaction
  • Emotional development and attachment-their impact on learning and attention
  • Communication & Behaviour
Dates for your Diary:

Sun 5th Oct - Arafah Day - Madressa Closed
Sun 12th Oct - Class 3 Assembly
Sun 19th Oct -Tareekh Assessments 5-11 Boys

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