SIM Volunteers, Salaamun Alaykum
Madressa starts this Sunday
A reminder that Madressa will begin Term 3 this coming Sunday 7th September 2014. Classes at Stanmore will begin at 10am and classes at Kenmore will begin at 10:20am inshaAllah.
If you have recently changed your address, phone numbers or email address, please ensure that you inform the Madressa so that we have your up to date details in case we need to contact you in an emergency.
Teacher Charter Reminder
Begin your class on time and end it on time so that no other teacher is inconvenienced.
How does the lesson you are teaching relate to the other your subjects that your students learn within Madressa and outside? The more connections you can provide your students to the material they are learning the more likely they are to remember and recall the information.
Training on Friday 5th September:
A reminder to all staff that the session will start today at 6pm promptly. Please ensure that you arrive 5-10 minutes beforehand for registration and refreshments.
Quran Tuition for Gents & Students in Class 9+:
The Gents Qur'an department will be launching Qur'an recitation classes. The Classes are open for:
Male parents/relatives
All boys from Class 9 onwards
The classes will commence at Stanmore between 9:00am - 10:00am in the Gents Main Hall.
External Messages
HIS Course:
We are pleased to inform you that the next HIS course is on the second module "Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets" by Shaykh Bahmanpour.
The course will start on the 9th of September, 2014 for 5 weeks.
Course timings: 7.45p.m – 9.15p.m. on Tuesday 9th September, Tuesday 16th September, Tuesday 23rd September, 14th October and 21st October 2014. at Annexe of the Hujjat Islamic Centre, Stanmore.
Below is the brief about the course.
The course will cover the most important vices and virtues discussed in Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets of Faid kashani. It elaborates on the way those vices could be removed from the heart and the method by which the virtues could be cultivated therein.
The vices discussed will include:
Showing off, arrogance and self admiration
Love of the world and clarification about the meaning of both the world and love
Love of wealth
Love of status
The noble virtues discussed will include:
Patience and its meaning
Satisfaction with the divine decree
If you wish to enrol for the course please print and complete the forms here
With duas.
HIS Admin Team
Research Request:
Are you a parent with a child with learning disability? Would you like to be a a part of a research to explore your experiences, diagnosis, parenting, aspects of being a Muslim? If yes, click here for further details.