Message from our Car Park Volunteers -
Our car park volunteers have requested all drivers to take note of the following intructions and your co-operation is appreciated:
Stanmore site
1) Please do not use the temple entrance to turn your car – please turn your car by driving through the Aspire centre
2) Please follow all instructions from the car park volunteers as they are constantly judging and reacting to changes in traffic flows
3) Try and arrive at the centre from the Brockley Hill side so that you are turning left into the centre as this reduces congestions and also makes it easier to use the arches
For both sites
4) Please arrive early to avoid congestion
5) This Sunday parents with children both at Kenmore Park School and Stanmore will receive a
Badge which is to be collected when picking up children at Kenmore Park School. For drivers eligible to use the arches in all future weeks, this badge must be displayed prominently on the passenger side windscreen else volunteers will direct all cars into the car park.
Interim update on SIM Syria Appeal £1 Collection
The Madressa, on behalf of the World Federation of KSIMC, would like to thank all parents/guardians, students and volunteers for their generosity at last weeks £1 collection for the Syrian Refugee Appeal. So far, the collection at Stanmore alone has amounted to over £750 and with the collection from Kenmore yet to be counted we can reasonably speculate that we have exceeded our £1,000 target. We will provide a further update once the final count has been undertaken.
MCE Pilot Assessment Sunday 2nd March 2014 – Teacher Survey
Later this term the Madressa will be hosting a team of assessors who will be coming to evaluate the Madressa on behalf of the World Federation Madrasah Centre of Excellence initiative. In advance of this assessment, a short anonymous questionnaire has been provided by the MCE team for all staff to complete at their earliest convenience, and by Sunday 16th February at the latest. A copy of the questionnaire is attached
here which once completed can be handed into the Madressa office or alternatively scanned and emailed to
The Awakening Project – Videos
Further to Sibtain bhai Panjwani’s presentation on Induction Day earlier this year, please find below links for the talk that was given. We encourage all staff to view the first video in particular which is only 6 minutes long and lays the foundation of the longer discussion.
1. How about giving a helping hand? (6 minutes)
2. New challenges to Islam and Madrasah Education: (25 minutes)
Teacher’s Charter
Have you reviewed and signed the Teacher’s Charter for 2014? This document sets out the important responsibilities that are expected from all staff members which includes punctuality to lesson as well as meeting deadlines, being proactive, preparing for classes as thoroughly as possible and generally being an inspiration to our students by living Islam. The Charter is attached
here for staff reference.
Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration