PCB Volunteer Event – Reminder 2 Dec 2015

PCB Newsletter - Volunteer Appreciation Event - Dec, 2015
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Dear Respected Teachers, Heads of Departments, Administration, Office Team, Car Park Volunteers, and all Volunteers of the Madressa.

Salaamun Alaykum

As you are aware, the PCB on behalf of Parents of the Madressa are hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Event in your honour on Sunday December 13. This is the very first time the Parents have come forward to put together independently an event to show their appreciation for all that you do.

We would like to thank all of you who have given your RSVP to our invitation already. For those of you who have not had a chance, if I could  kindly request that you do so as soon as possible. Much effort has been put into preparing for this event and we would really like to finalize our plans. Deadline for us to submit numbers for catering is December 6th so if you could all RSVP (here) before that it would be much appreciated.

We understand it is difficult to yet commit to another few hours on a Sunday but if you are reluctant to commit, let me entice you with some highlights of the program for the day.
  • Our resident Aalim and Jamaat President will be addressing all the Volunteers
  • A special visual presentation by the children of our Madressa
  • An appetizing lunch 
  • Homemade appetizers and deserts made lovingly by the Parents
  • Presentation of the gifts that are unique and especially hand-crafted for all the volunteers attending the event.
We promise to keep the event brief and have organized for it to start soon after Madressa ends on that day (1pm-3pm) so that you can all get back to your families.
We are really excited and look forward to seeing you all at the event, inshallah.
With Duas,
PCB Team

Offer every possible act of charity, for even a small date fruit will turn into a mountain on Judgment Day
- Imam Reza (A)
Parent Consultation Board

PCB Contact Details

We are here to listen ! We would love to hear your views and would appreciate your thoughts.

PCB can be contacted by email on pcb@madressa.net or by attending our monthly surgeries at both Kenmore and Stanmore sites.

If you have any concerns or issues you might like to raise, we would also welcome any suggestions or ideas for future Madressa functions.

- Mumtaz Hemraj Panjwani
PCB Members

Abbasali Rashid
Asifa Pradhan
Kiran Ahmad
Ali Haji
Faiyaz Nurmohamed
Sharmin Pirbhai
Mohamed Tejani 

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