[S I Madressa] – Parent Information Update (Sample)


Parent Information Update
Sunday 12th August, 2013 / XX Shawwal 1432

An Open Letter to the Alliance

As you know, designing for email is not celebrated work, and it suffers a poor reputation for a multitude of reasons. Most notably, the tools required for email design are archaic. Many of the great advancements that have been made with web standards have not been adopted by email providers. And considering all the ways email has been historically abused, it's easy to see why there's a lack of interest–even disdain–for email design.

So, Now What?

We've gathered to change that perception. Email remains the king of communication, and it's not going to disappear anytime soon. By demonstrating what's possible with email design, we'll convince other designers of its usefulness and power. After all, there's something deeply rewarding about mastering ancient techniques. A man who can catch a fly with chopsticks can accomplish anything.

Take heart, designers. The journey will be long, but our cause is just.

Fredrick von Chimpenheimer, IV
Founder, Bananaco Banana Alliance

In This Update

The Bananaco Banana Alliance is a fictional league of banana companies that would be really impressive, you know, if it were real.

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