[S I Madressa] – PCB Newsletter Issue 02

PCB Newsletter - Issue 02 - October 2015
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Dear respected parents/ guardians/teachers,

Salaamun Alaykum

On behalf of the Parent Consultation Board (PCB), we would like to welcome back parents and students to the final term of the Madressa academic year. We hope you have had a restful and enjoyable summer break and look forward to another successful term of learning for our children inshallah.

The Hujjat Family Eid Fair was a wonderful way to end the second term and celebrate Eid.  For those who could not attend, activities that took place on the day included Bungee Trampolining, a Mini Roller-Coaster, Bouncy Castle, Football, Cricket and a BBQ Lunch. It was fantastic to see such a great turn out!  Jazakallah to all those who volunteered and for all their hard work in ensuring that this event was a success.


Muharram Competition

The PCB are pleased to announce that this year we are holding a Muharram Poetry Writing Competition for the Stanmore Students and a Drawing Competition for the Kenmore Students.

We will be awarding prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in both categories and the deadline for submission is November 8th, 2015.

The criteria for the Written Poetry is:
1) Student must be currently attending the Madressa at the Stanmore Site
2) The poetry must depict an event or a character/s involved in the tragedy of Kerbala.
3) The writing must be less than 500 words.

The criteria for the Drawing Competition is:
1)  Student must be currently attending the Madressa at the Kenmore Site.
2) The drawing must depict an event or character/s involved in the tragedy of Kerbala.
3) The drawing MUST NOT display any facial features of our Aimma.

Please  encourage your children not to depict scenes of extreme violence. Examples of drawings that could be submitted are for eg a drawing of Hur, battleground layout, etc

Competition entries can be submitted electronically by email to pcb@madressa.net or please hand it to your child’s teacher clearly displaying your child's name and class number by Sunday 8 November 2015.

We look forward to seeing all the entries and plan to inform everyone of the winners in our next newsletter.


Cake Sale

As you will be aware, the PCB was established at the end of last year in order to act as a liaison between parents and Madressa administration. An important part of our role is to encourage more parental involvement in events organised by Madressa.

Accordingly, we have taken an active part in helping to run events such as the Annual Charity Bake Sale in conjunction with Kenmore site last term. Supporting and volunteering in such events like these show our children how we can aid those who are less fortunate and allows us to role-model the values of our faith. We would really like to see more parents come forward and support us in future events. 


Future Fundraisers

In addition to raising funds for charity, the Madressa occasionally organises fundraisers to allow our children to participate in group field trips, outings and activities. In the past, many successful trips and fun days out, such as to Thorpe Park, have been organised but more recently this has proved difficult due to lack of funds. As parents, we feel that outings are vital in promoting bonding and facilitating life-long friendships within our community. With this in mind, we are looking for parents to come forward to assist in organising future fundraising events and activities to help subsidize such outings. If you are interested in assisting or have any ideas or suggestions for fundraising, please contact us on pcb@madressa.net.

Offer every possible act of charity, for even a small date fruit will turn into a mountain on Judgment Day
- Imam Reza (A)

Parent Consultation Board
Sunday 18 to 25 October
Madressa closed for Ashura
Sunday 1 November
Madressa opens
Sunday 13 December
Last day of Term 3

PCB Contact Details

We are here to listen ! We would love to hear your views and would appreciate your thoughts.

PCB can be contacted by email on pcb@madressa.net or by attending our monthly surgeries at both Kenmore and Stanmore sites.

If you have any concerns or issues you might like to raise, we would also welcome any suggestions or ideas for future Madressa functions.

- Mumtaz Hemraj Panjwani
PCB Members

Abbasali Rashid
Asifa Pradhan
Kiran Ahmad
Ali Haji
Faiyaz Nurmohamed
Sharmin Pirbhai
Mohamed Tejani 

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