Start of Madressa Year volunteers (copy 01)


Madressa Week 2: Important Annoucements - 23rd January 2015

Dear SIM Volunteers,
Salaamun Alaykum

We hope you had a successful and enjoyable first week at Madressa and are looking forward to the rest of the academic year, inshaAllah. Kindly take note of the Madressa announcements for this week below.

Parent Consultation Board
Please click here to view the Parent Consultation Board (PCB) introductory letter for the attention of all Madressa parents. For more information on the PCB, please click here.

Stanmore Last Lesson Teachers
Please can we request all last lesson teachers at Stanmore to ensure that at the end of their lessons, all classroom furniture is cleared away. Where possible, encourage the students to assist in clearing up the furniture.

After the lesson, please escort your students to the Mail Hall for congregational prayers. Please supervise them as they perform Wudhoo and remain with them at least until Adhaan is recited.

Higher Education Department
The Higher Education Department (HED) is running a seminar this Sunday 25th January 2015 entitled "Let's talk about Shisha: Silent killer or harmless habit". Please click here for further information.

Tip of the Week
Please find below the “tip of the week” provided by the LS department for the benefit of teachers and volunteers. 

A useful technique for children who have Down’s Syndrome or have Speech and Communication difficulties: "Remember to smile and make eye contact with the child when speaking to them, walk towards them and be at the same eye level with them where possible, especially when giving instructions which should always be short and to the point."

Madressa Traffic Guidelines Reminder
As we approach the second week of Madressa, we would like to remind all parents of our traffic guidelines for Sundays, which are in place for the benefit of all and need to be adhered to strictly:

Stanmore site:

  • During the peak drop off time (9:40– 10.10am), a no right turn policy is enforced. Please all turn left into the Centre by coming to Wood Lane via Brockley Hill.
  • Please do not use the Temple or Aspire Centre to turn your car around.
  • No dropping-off or parking on Warren Lane.
  • The Arches outside Stanmore is strictly only available as a drop-off zone for parents with children in both Stanmore and Kenmore.
  • Car park badges to access the Arches were handed out to parents last week and these must be clearly displayed on the front of your windscreen when approaching Stanmore. If you are elligable for a badge and still have not received one, please do not forget to collect it from Kenmore School this week.

Kenmore site

  • A one-way policy is also enforced at our Kenmore site.
  • Please arrive at Kenmore School via Moorhouse Road.
  • Please be considerate to our neighbours and carefully follow all instructions given to you by our car park volunteers. Strict adherence to instructions will also help minimalize traffic.
  • Please do not block any driveways or park on double yellow lines.

External Communication
Stanmore Jaffery's Kids Sports - 13 and under Girls Football and Netball with coaching. Please click here to view the poster.

We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation on the above important matters.

Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration

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