Traffic Alert – Sun 30 Mar 2014 – Final


Parents/Guardians, Salaamun Alaykum

Revised Pick-up times for Stanmore site only

We have been advised by the Rugby club at Stanmore of a big Rugby event that will have a significant impact on the traffic flow at Stanmore. Furthermore, we will not have Rugby car park available to utilise in the afternoon.

Therefore, in order to safely manage the traffic flow kindly take note of the revised PICK UP times at Stanmore site only:

1) Children in classes 5-7 including any siblings in class 8+ will finish Madressa at 12.45pm and must be collected at that time. Parents/Guardians are requested to be at the Stanmore centre by 12.30pm. Children will be allowed to leave their classrooms and go directly to their Parents/Guardians car.

2) Children in classes 8-13 will finish at the usual time of 1.30pm after salaah unless they are part of group above.

Please note that Kenmore site will operate as per normal hours and parents/guardians with children falling in group 1 who also have children at Kenmore Park School should make their way to Kenmore after picking up their children at Stanmore.

With regards to drop-off at Stanmore, Parents / Guardians are requested to allow for additional journey time as the Rugby traffic will be expected in batches between 8.30am-10.30am. Generally, the earlier parents arrive, the quicker they will be able to leave.

Your full cooperation in adhering to above guidelines is highly appreciated as it will ensure we can have a smooth traffic flow with minimal disruptions.


S I Madressa

Diary Dates
30 Mar - Madressa Open
6 Apr - Madressa Open
13/20 Apr - Madressa CLOSED
27 Apr - Madressa Open
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