Weekly Updates – 10th March, 2017

Global Product Committee
Friday 10 March 2017
11 Jamada Al Thaani 1438
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Salaamun Alaykum

In this week's communications:
  • Late Arrivals
  • Dress Code Reminder
  • Skate shoes not Permitted
  • Sadaqa Day - March 26th, 2017
  • Disability Awareness Day
  • External Message: SJ Sisters Lit: Screening 'Why can't I be a Sushi?'
Late Arrivals
Late arrivals still remain a great concern. We request to parents to plan their journey and ensure timely arrival.  
Dress Code Reminder  
A reminder that students must adhere to the dress code of the Madressa.

For a complete dress code guideline please click here
Skate Shoes not Permitted  
Students are not permitted to wear skate shoes at the Madressa for health and safety purposes. Please ensure your child is wearing suitable footwear.  
Sadaqa Day - March 26th, 2017  

“Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame.” (Imam Ali (AS)

On Sunday 26th March 2017, SIM is holding its Annual Sadaqa Day. Alhamdulilah, we are honoured to be partnering with the following charities this year:

  • Al-Mizan
  • Bags to Achieve
  • Refugee Council
  • Sufra NW London
  • Salusbury World

This Sunday, 12th March, 2017, students will be requested to bring in various items to donate to the charities on the day.  A list of the items that each class have been assigned and that students can bring is available here

Please note that students must bring in the items ON Sunday 26th March, 2017 and drop them off at the assigned drop-off points which will be confirmed prior to Sadaqa Day.

There will also be activities taking place throughout the day helping students be more aware and realise the importance that Islam places on the giving of Sadaqa. 

We are inviting parents to join us and take part in what promises to be a great day where we all come together to help those less fortunate than ourselves, Insh'Allah.

Disability Awareness Day  
Following the success of last year’s disability awareness day for Class 4, the Learning Support Department for Junior classes organised another awareness day for Class 4.

The 4 classes (2 boys and 2 girls) spent 20 minutes at each of the 5 stations learning more about the following disabilities: Downs Syndrome, Hearing Impairment, Physical Disability, Autism and Developmental Delay.

Each station included an introduction to the disability, a video clip or PowerPoint presentation and an activity or discussion. The talks were given by Learning Support Assistants from our team some who are parents of children with disabilities as well as external speakers with disabilities.

Read more by clicking here
External Message: SJ Sisters Lit: Screening of 'Why can't I be a Sushi?'  


For the first time watch BEHIND THE SCENES FOOTAGE!


This documentary follows the journey of two young journalists - Niamh (aged 10) and her sister Sofia (aged 8) as they try to wrap their heads around something incredibly serious and weighty: the sometimes-bloody Sunni – Shia conflict that has been going on for decades.

The girls talk to religious figures, scholars, well known clerics, believers, political pundits, the public and more, all in the hope of understanding this absurd conflict and its routes.

As they continue on the road of discovery, the two journalists soon realise that what unifies us as Muslims is far greater and more powerful than our differences.

Directed in a light-hearted and innocent way, the film tackles a series of hard hitting and pertinent points without causing offence or apportioning blame. It offers the audience a chance to consider how religious choices and practices may appear to the outside world, all through the eyes of these two innocent sisters.

This refreshing documentary takes us back to our routes and reminds us of the simplicity of practicing the religion of Islam.

Film by Hoda Yahya Elsoudani

Date: Sunday 19th March 2017.

Venue: Harrow Safari Cinema, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2TU

Time: 2 - 4.30pm.

Please ensure you arrive in good time before the screening to register and be seated. The film will start at 2.30pm sharp.

New Prices £10 for Adults, Buy 1 get 2nd Half price! ( 2 adult tickets for £15 only), £5.00 for children

Limited places available!

Book your tickets at http://jafferys.org/documentaryscreening2017

For any enquiries please email sisterslit@jafferys.org

Quick Links
Easily access some of the below:
arrow1 Academic Calendar
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Diary Dates
Sunday 12th Mar, 2017
Teaching Week 9 (Open)

Sunday 19th Mar, 2017
Teaching Week 10 (Open)

Sunday 26th Mar, 2017
Teaching Week 11 (Open)

Sunday 2nd Apr, 2017
Teaching Week 12 (Open)
Key Policies
Attendance / Absence

Behaviour Management

Please also note:

NO cell phones / electronic gadgets are permitted in Madressa.
NO Food or Drink (except water) allowed during lesson
Using the Parent Portal

View your student's profile, notify us of their absence, get in touch with their teacher, update your personal details, and more! 

Click on the button above to access the parent portal.
Parent Consultation Board
We are here to listen ! We would love to hear your views and would appreciate your thoughts.

For concerns, issues, and/or suggestions and ideas for future Madressa functions, reach out to the PCB at pcb@madressa.net.
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