Weekly Updates – 14-Jan-16

Global Product Committee
Friday 15 January, 2016
  4 Rabi Al Thaani 1437
Welcome 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Salaamun Alaykum!

We would like to welcome you to our new Academic Year 2016. Please read through our updates below carefully.
Madressa Starts  
Insh'Allah Madressa will begin Sunday 17th January, 2016.

Students at Kenmore (Classes 1-4) will start with Registration at 10:00AM

Students at Stanmore (Classes 5-12) will begin at 10:00AM.
How our Classes are Labeled for 2016  

Due to our new minimum age intake policy (see here) we have NO new intake of class 1. As such, all classes will move up as usual and we will only have classes 2-13.

However for labelling purposes we will reset the class numbers from 1 so the new class range will be 1-12.

Therefore, if your child was in class 1 in 2015 they will again be in class 1 2016 BUT will be studying the syllabus of class 2 and so forth. This is purely a labeling logistic and parents are requested not to be concerned when seeing their child’s class to be the same as 2015.

Please Note: Students in class 4 in 2015 will remain in Kenmore in 2016. However Class 5 Boys that was in Kenmore in 2015 will now move to Stanmore Location.

If you are not sure what class your child is in, please log on to your Parent Portal and see your child(ren)'s student profile

Class Locations  

In light of the above the following locations apply:

Classes 1 - 4 will be at Kenmore
Classes 1 - 2 will be on the Ground Floor whereas Classes 3-4 will be on the Upper Floor. Volunteers in Red Jackets will be there on the day to assist guide parents.

Classes 5 - 12 will be at Stanmore
Students are requested to make their way directly to their designated classes. Kindly find the classroom map here.

Communication Packs for 2016  

Please find here comprehensive information packs for both sites. It also includes the traffic guidance. Parents are required to familiarise with the content as needed.

Kenmore Communication Pack
Stanmore Communication Pack

Required Resources for Madressa  
Each week you are expected to bring: your manual; pens; pencils; rulers and erasers.

Students at Kenmore are required to bring their activity folders in addition to the above resources.

Students at Stanmore will also be required to bring a Qur'an with English Translation. They will be provided with a scrapbook each and exercise books for activity based learning which they must also bring every week.
Student Timetable  
Students at Kenmore will begin Madressa weekly (except the first week due to registration) at 10:10am with Assembly

Students at Stanmore will begin Madressa weekly at 10:00am

As of 2016, a new timetable has been created for Stanmore, with different timings for the Summer and Winter months, accommodating Salaah to be recited on time.

To view the full timetable click here
Key Policies  

Kindly make note of the key policies that will apply in 2016:

1. Attendance / Absence / Lateness Policy - Please ensure you are aware of the minimum attendance percentage required by the Madressa for your child(ren) to stay in the Madressa. The policy also outlines what is classified as an authorised absence and what is not. Click here to view the full Policy

2. Management of Behaviour Policy - As of 2016, the Madressa is piloting a Management Behaviour Policy whereby a system has been created; offering incentive and reward for Good Akhlaq and management of negative Behaviour. Click here to view the full Policy.

We have recently updated our food and drink policy to improve the learning atmosphere of our classes.  During lesson time students will only be allowed to consume water, no other food or drink will be permitted. The only exception to this rule is for medical reasons, please inform admin in writing if your child needs to eat during lesson time.

Students are allowed to consume food and drink during their break times, before or after madressa.
Reporting Student Absences  
As of 2016, emails to notify the administration of student absences will not be accepted. If your child is going to be absent from the Madressa, you must use the 'Student Absence Notification Feature' (click here to see how it works) via the Parent Portal to notify the Administration.

Please note that in order to use the feature successfully, you must submit a notification prior to or ON the day of the absence. You will not be able to report an absence after the date of absence has passed.
Quick Links
Easy access to what you need!
arrow1 Parent Portal
arrow1 Madressa Policies
arrow1 2016 Student Timetable
Diary Dates
Sunday 17th Jan, 2016 - New Academic Year Begins
Key Policies

Kindly make note of the key policies that will apply in 2016:

Attendance / Absence / Lateness Policy

Management of Behaviour Policy

Please also note: NO cell phones or electronic gadgets are permitted in Madressa.

We have recently updated our food and drink policy to improve the learning atmosphere of our classes.  During lesson time students will only be allowed to consume water, no other food or drink will be permitted. The only exception to this rule is for medical reasons, please inform admin in writing if your child needs to eat during lesson time.

Students are allowed to consume food and drink during their break times, before or after madressa.
Using the Parent Portal
Report Student Absence
View Student Profile
Update Details
...and more!

Click here to access your Portal
Message from LS Team
On behalf of the learning support team at Stanmore we would like to send a warm welcome to both Parents/Carers but especially to the children under our care.

Please can we kindly request that children bring in a note pad and a pencil case which has coloured pencils and pens with them to Madrasa every week.

We also need them to bring their learning passports with them on a weekly basis.

We look forward to another productive year head!
img   www.madressa.net
icon   admin@madressa.net
icon   0208 420 7929
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