Parents Day will be held this year on Sunday 30th April from 10:00am – 1:00pm.
This year, Parents Day will take place within Northwood School.
We hold Parents Day in order to allow parents to obtain feedback on their children’s progress, as well as to provide parents with the opportunity to discuss with teachers how positive changes can be made both in class and at home in order to enhance their children’s progress for the remainder of the academic year.
We cannot stress enough how important it is for parents/guardians to work together with the Madressa to ensure the successful Islamic upbringing of their children. Attending Parents Day will go a long way in achieving this goal.
However, in the extenuating circumstance where you are unable to attend Parents Day, it is still important that you complete the online form. The deadline to submit the online form for is Wednesday 26th April, 2017.
Please click here to read more about Parents Day and to book your time slot.
Parent Feedback Form
Madressa values your feedback, and in light of our recent move to Northwood School we urge parents to complete a 1-2 minute feedback form here to aid us in future planning .
SJ Ladies Sports is please to resume Pilates and Yoga sessions for ladies at madressa from 10.15-11.15am (pilates) and 12-1.15pm (yoga). Please sign up on the form attached to secure a space. Please bring your own yoga mats. Fees are £3 for SJ members and £5 for non members. Please register HERE.