Weekly Updates – 22-Jan-16

Global Product Committee
Friday 22 January, 2016
  11 Rabi Al Thaani 1437
Updates for Week of 24th January, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Salaamun Alaykum

In this week's communications:
  • Missed Important Updates form Last Week?
  • Message for Kenmore Park Students
  • Behaviour Management Policy
  • Higher Education - Police Event
  • Muslim Mums Magazine for Sale
Missed Important Updates from Last Week?  
All our parent email communications are available on our website at: https://www.madressa.net/email-communications

Parents are requested to ensure they familiarise themselves with the various content provided for you so you are kept in the loop at all times.

Message for Kenmore Park Students  
  • There will be no assembly this week - children are to go directly to their classes .
  • Class 1 will move back to their original location of 2015 (facing the car park) as the current allocated classes are too small.
  • Class 2 will move upstairs into last years class 3.
  • Volunteers will be present to guide you on Sunday.

Please note: Class 1 children will need to be picked up from the entrance facing the car park.

We would also like to thank those who sent back the black folder on the first week. If you have not sent it back, please do so this coming week.

Behaviour Management Policy  

In order to reward good akhlaq and manage negative behaviour effectively, the Madressa is piloting a behaviour management system at the Madressa.

For more details on Green, Yellow, and Red cards that students can get, visit https://www.madressa.net/policies/akhlaq/managing-behaviour-policy 

Higher Education - Police Event  

Muslim Mums - Rabbi Ul Awwal 1437 Issue  

MUSLIM MUMS MAGAZINE has been launched and will be sold for a mere £3! It will be sold this Sunday at Madressa at pick-up and drop off at Kenmore and Stanmore.

Quick Links
In just one click!
arrow1 Parent Portal
arrow1 Madressa Policies
arrow1 2016 Student Timetable
Diary Dates
Sunday 24th Jan, 2016 - Teaching Week 2 at Madressa

Sunday 31st Jan, 2016 - Class 4 Disability Awareness Day
Key Policies

Kindly make note of the key policies that will apply in 2016:

Attendance / Absence / Lateness Policy

Management of Behaviour Policy

Please also note: NO cell phones or electronic gadgets are permitted in Madressa.

We have recently updated our food and drink policy to improve the learning atmosphere of our classes.  During lesson time students will only be allowed to consume water, no other food or drink will be permitted. The only exception to this rule is for medical reasons, please inform admin in writing if your child needs to eat during lesson time.

Students are allowed to consume food and drink during their break times, before or after madressa.
Using the Parent Portal
Report Student Absence
View Student Profile
Update Details
...and more!

Click here to access your Portal
External: Ask an Aalim
Ask An Alim is one of the many services offered by The World Federation for the benefit of our community. It is a forum where you can submit any questions you have about Islam and they will be answered by experienced and qualified Alims from all over the world in a timely manner.

Ask your questions today!
img   www.madressa.net
icon   admin@madressa.net
icon   0208 420 7929
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