Weekly Updates – 3rd February, 2017

Global Product Committee
Friday 3 February 2017
5 Jamadi Al Ula 1438
Dear SIM Volunteers,
Salaamun Alaykum

In this week's communications:
  • Thank you Mesage from the Principal
  • Leaving the Classrooms Clean
  • Madressa Timings
  • Staircase Usage Logistics
  • Class 5-7 Line-Up
  • Teachers Badges & Car Keys
  • EoYE & Learning Observations
  • View past Report Cards for Students
  • Upcoming NPL Program
  • World-Fed: Introduction to Shi'a Studies
Thank You Message from the Principal
I begin by wishing you all Khushali Mubarak on this auspicious day of the Birth Anniversary of Lady Zainab (SA).

A few weeks into the new academic year and into the NEW HOME I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of SIM administration, to extend my sincere gratitude to all SIM volunteers for the immense cooperation and contribution as we transitioned to the new site. It is with your help that such a big move was executed smoothly, Alhamdulillah.

Of course, with all the opportunities that will benefit us in our new home, and with all the great facilities available to us, it was inevitable that we would encounter challenges in initially settling in. However, with your continuous support and cooperation we are working on a weekly basis to ensure efficiency in our logistics and I am confident that very soon we will be very comfortable with our new high-end environment, Insh'Allah.

It is important that our primary focus and aim remain as 'nurturing of our children towards the teachings and ethos of the Holy Quran and Ahlul Bayt (AS)'. And to achieve that, it is vital that we present ourselves as role models for these young learners and ensure that we carry out our obligations to the utmost of our ability and respect the framework of the institution we operate within.
We also have the obligation in ensuring we leave the site in an immaculate condition. I ask all volunteers to actively ensure the site is properly maintained, whether be it in your own classrooms or in any other part of the building. Below, I share last week's feedback from the school, and whilst I appreciate that initially we will have some teething issues, I urge all volunteers to contribute in maintaining the site so that the feedback we receive is only positive.
Your active and positive contribution to the evolution of the Madressa is essential and constructive feedback of improvements that can benefit us all, is always welcome. We are all in this together and only as a cohesive unit will we prosper with our aims and objectives, Insh'Allah.

Finally, I humbly request you to pray, in the name of Lady Zainab (AS), for the continued success of our Madressa and our children, who are not only the future of our community but ambassadors of the teachings of Ahlul Bayt (AS) especially in such times when we face so many challenges on account of our faith.
With Duas,
Sajjad Govani
SIM Principal
Leaving the Classrooms Clean  

Please ensure classrooms are left immaculate and in the same clean manner they were found in. Last week we received feedback stating:

  • The adjustable table in the classroom was lowered in some classes but the handle that operates the table has been removed causing school staff members concern that they cannot return the table to the correct height without the handle. (The handle on the table is part of the school DDA compliance and must be left attached to the table)
  • Chewing gum was found on the carpet of a classroom
  • Pencil sharpenings and drink bottles were found on the floor of some classrooms
  • Food was found on the floor of some classrooms (students and teachers are not allowed to eat in the clasroom)
  • The projector remote control had gone missing (teachers must ensure that the remote is left where it was found)

The school urges our staff and students to be vigilant and we urge you to respect the property that is on lease to us.

Please also ensure that classrooms (for students of all ages) are NOT left unattended at any point in time. At break time, students are to be escorted from their classroom to the dining area and at Salaat time, students should be escorted to their respective Salaat areas and directed to Wudhu facilities as necessary.

Madressa Timings  
Teachers must respect the timings for arrival at the Madressa, being in the classroom before students arrive for 1st lesson, and dismissing students for break as well as Salaat on time.   
Staircase Usage Logistics  

Please note the following:

Staircase behind Admin Reception (near Sports Hall entrance) is to be used by:

  • Class 4 Teachers and Students
  • Boys
  • Gents Teachers
Middle and Rear Staircase can ONLY be used by:
  • Girls
  • Ladies
Rear Staircases to be used by:
  • Class 2-3 Teachers and Students
Class 5-7 Line-Up  

Class 5-7 teachers are to escort their students promptly at 1:30 to their exit points and should remain with their students until 1:45pm as parents make their way to pick up their children. At 1:45pm remaining children are to be escorted to the canteen.

Teachers Badges & Car Keys  

Teachers MUST display car parking badges at all times for our Car Park Volunteers to easily identify and permit them to enter the car park.

Please do not leave your car keys in the car at any time. Car Park Volunteers and the S I Madressa do not take the responsibility of safeguarding your vehicle at any time.

Please note that there is NO right turn when entering the car park or when exiting the car park.

EoYE & Learning Observations  
As indicated on the 2017 Teachers Induction Day, in our quest to find an effective approach to evaluate the learning of our students the management team together with the Head of Departments have agreed to trial a different approach for 2017.

For details on EoYE and Learning Observations please click here
View past Report Cards for students  

Teachers can now view past report cards for their students. To do so, please follow the following steps:

1. Login to the Teacher Portal

2. Select your Class from the 'My Classes' tab.

3. Click 'Report Cards'

4. You can either generate all report cards for all students or select 'View Past Report Card' for a specific student


Stanmore Jafferys Football Academy has been selected as finalist for the BEDSA 2017 Awards (British Ethnic Minority Diversity Sports Awards).
We have reached this stage with the support of the whole community and we are here humbly requesting this to be maintained all the way through the final stage in form of your vote in the public voting process.
Vote for SJFA: http://bedsa.co.uk/vote/  (public voting for this category is now open)
Twitter: @SJFA786
Neuro-Psychology of Learning (NPL) Program  

Please view details of an upcoming NPL Program:

This exciting 2 day program aims to help madrasah teachers understand themselves and their students better so that they are able to positively engage and inspire the next generation.

At the end of this two day program, participants will have:

  • Experienced a comprehensive self-assessment covering key psychological frameworks involved in learning
  • Reviewed in detail the learning needs, energies and thinking approaches for different students
  • Identified the inherent strengths and challenges they might face as a teacher based on their needs, energy and thinking approach
  • Learned how to adapt their style to teach more effectively
  • Established an action plan to apply these skills and techniques in everyday situations

When? Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th  March 2017

Where? Kents Hill Park, Timbold Drive, Milton Kynes MK7 6BZ

Please note that this is an intensive 2 day program and participants have to commit to attending both days from start to finish. We will start at 9 AM and aim to finish by 7:30 PM on both days.

There is no fee for attending this program. All meals and course materials will be provided. Participants are requested to cover their travel cost to the venue and back home. This is a residential program and overnight accommodation will be provided on Saturday 11th March 2017.

Demand for these programs is usually very high and participants are requested to apply early to avoid disappointment.

Please apply online by clicking here.

World-Fed: Introduction to Shi'a Studies  

Do you have an interest in learning more about Shīʿa Islam? We're running a series of online courses called 'Introduction to Shīʿa Studies'. The first course looks at Ḥadīth with Shaykh Kumail Rajani.

This will include ten lessons running from March 2017 through to May 2017. To sign up, register your interest and we will send you more details.
Quick Links
Easily access some of the below:
arrow1 Teacher Portal
arrow1 Teacher's Charter
arrow1 Teacher's Manuals
Diary Dates
Sunday 5th Feb, 2017
Teaching Week 4 (Open)

Sunday 12th Feb, 2017
Teaching Week 5 (Open)

Sunday 19th Feb, 2017
Teaching Week 6 (Open)
To access all communications sent out this year to date, please click here
Key Policies
Teachers are urged to contact simofficeteam@madressa.net
for any requests or queries.

All Photocopy Requests must be submitted latest. Late submissions will be accommodated on best efforts only.
Using Teacher Portal
The Teacher's Portal is a one-stop tool for teachers.

Use your teacher's portal for more than just submitting marks and report cards:
- View your Class Students
- View Class Timetable
- View Past Report Cards
- Attendance for Students
- Get in touch with Parents 

Click here to access
Teacher Portal
img   www.madressa.net
icon   admin@madressa.net
icon   07709772671
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