Weekly Updates – 5-Feb-2016

Global Product Committee
Friday 5 February, 2016
  25 Rabi Al Thaani 1437
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Salaamun Alaykum

In this week's communications:
  • Parent Information Event
  • HEd - Can Religious Societies Survive Today?
  • Disability Awareness Day - A Huge Success!
  • PREVENT - Hujjat Event
  • Muslim Mums Magazine for Sale
  • Hyderi Madressa Fundraising
Parent Information Event  

The S I Madressa is hosting a Parent Information Event on Sunday 7th February, 2016, where the Parent Consultation Board (PCB) will take the opportunity to introduce themselves to parents, and the administration will share new initiatives set out by the Madressa for the Academic Year 2016.

As a parent, your presence will enhance the relationship the Madressa encourages between the Madressa and the home. We look forward to seeing you there.

When: Sunday 7th February 2016
Time: 10.30am-11.30am
Where: Ladies Main hall, Sanmore (entrance Ladies main gate)

Please RSVP by completing the form here.

Higher Education  

Disability Awareness Day - A Great Success!  
Following the successof last year’s disability awareness day for Class 5, the Learning Support Department at Kenmore organised another awareness day but for Class 4. The 4 classes (2 boys and 2 girls) spent 20 minutes and each of 5 stations learning more about the following disabilities: Downs Syndrome, Hearing Impairment, Physical Disability, Autism and Developmental Delay. Each station included an introduction to the disability, a video clip or powerpoint presentation and an activity or discussion. The talks were given by Learning Support Assistants from our team, including parents of children with disabilities.

To read more and view pictures click here
Safeguarding Presents PREVENT at Hujjat  
"What do a 14 year-old boy who spoke to a friend about ecoterrorism, a child who accidentally wrote 'terraced house' instead of 'terrorist house' and a pupil who expressed support for Palestinian independence have in common?  Each has received attention from the authorities under the Prevent arm of the government's counter-extremism strategy.
Since the passing of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, public authorities (such as schools, NHS trusts etc.) have a duty to be aware of and report any suspicion of radicalisation.  Opposition to "fundamental British values" is now seen as an indicator of non-violent extremism. This development has significant bearing on Muslim parents, teachers and children.
To understand the consequences of Prevent and its effect on our community, the Safeguarding Panel invites you to an event at our centre this Saturday at 8pm. Join a Sheik Bahmanpour, Sheikh Hilli, a community social worker and teacher as we seek to come to terms with this important issue."

Muslim Mums - Rabbi Ul Awwal 1437 Issue  

MUSLIM MUMS MAGAZINE has been launched and will be sold for a mere £3! It will be sold this Sunday at Madressa at pick-up and drop off at Kenmore and Stanmore.

External: Funraising for Hyderi Camp  
This summer Hyderi is launching its first ever camp, for the students. It will take place at Brecon Beacon Wales. 
As part of fundraising to aid in this venture, our madressa has designed some sweatshirts. Each sweatshirt is £10 each, and range in sizes suitable for age 5 to 14 years.

To place your order please email principal@hischool.co.uk 
Quick Links
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arrow1 Parent Portal
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arrow1 2016 Student Timetable
Diary Dates
Sunday 7th Feb, 2016 - Teaching Week 4 at Madressa
To access all communications sent out this year to date, please click here
Key Policies

Kindly make note of the key policies that will apply in 2016:

Attendance / Absence

Behaviour Management

Please also note:

NO cell phones or electronic gadgets are permitted in Madressa.

No Food or Drink (except water) allowed during lesson

Using the Parent Portal
Report Student Absence
View Student Profile
Update Details
...and more!

Click here to access your Portal
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