

Parent/Guardian Information Update
Friday 1st November, 2013 / 26 Dhul Hijjah 1434

Tareekh Assessments 

The Tareekh Assessments will take place on Sunday 3rd November, 2013. Students are reminded to bring in their completed Tareekh Worksheets which will account for 70% of the final end of year mark.

Madressa Closed for Muharram - 12 Days

The S I Madressa will be closed on Sunday 10th November 2013 and Sunday 17th November 2013 for the commemoration of the first 12 days of Muharram. We shall insh'Allah resume Madressa on Sunday 24th November, 2013

Ashura Letter to Provide for School

Ashura Day will insh'Allah be on Thursday 14th November, 2013. Please click here to download the excuse letter from the Madressa that you may provide at your child(ren)'s school(s).

Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration

In This Update

Diary Dates


Madressa Is Open This Sunday...
Kenmore: 10:20 am
Tareekh Assessments (Class 3 & 4)
Stanmore: 10:00 am
Tareekh Assessments (Classes 5-11)

From our Website...

S I Madressa - Husaini Islamic Centre, Wood Lane
Stanmore, HA7 4LQ
United Kingdom

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