

Parent/Guardian Information Update
Friday 18 October, 2013 / 12 Dhul Hijjah 1434

Term 3 Assessments
Information relating to our assessments can be found online here, in summary:
Classes 1-2: Continuing Qur'an and Al-Zahra Assessments
Classes 3-4: Akhlaq Assessment
Classes 5-11: Tareekh Day (activities to prepare students for Tareekh Assessments on 3rd November)
- Parents are requested to provide their children with a clipboard or ensure that their child has their handbook with them to help them make notes on the day.
- As the day involves may activities, break time will be limited and parents are requested to provide their children with a packed lunch. The Madressa will provide snacks as well.

Kenmore: No Smoking Site
All parents are requested to observe the fact that as a Public School, Kenmore Park School by law is a non-smoking site in its entirety including all play ground and car park areas within school grounds.

Car Parking Message
Please can all drivers note that during both the morning drop off and afternoon collection at Stanmore there is to be:
1. No dropping off children on Warren Lane as this is becoming an increasing safety concern with children having to cross the busy road in front of the Mosque. Additionally, it creates tail backs and traffics on Wood Lane and Warren Lane and is generally inconvenient to all other road users and our Car Park Volunteers
2. No turning around at the entrance to the Temple because it is inappropriate and inconsiderate to our neighbours who are also utilising their centre on a Sunday as well.
3. No right turn on exit from Kenmore Park School playground car park
As always, your co-operation with our car park volunteers is appreciated.

HED: Ministry of Defence Crisis Management Workshop
A facilitator from the Ministry of Defence will be coming to work with the children to demonstrate how government works when faced with a Crisis. All Classes 12 - 15 students are encouraged to attend the programme which will take place during normal Madressa hours this coming Sunday. Please click here to see full details and information relevant for the program

Joomla Volunteer Recruit

Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration

In This Update

Diary Dates


Madressa Is Open This Sunday...
Kenmore: 10:20 am
Stanmore: 10:00 am
- Tareekh Day

From our Website...

S I Madressa - Husaini Islamic Centre, Wood Lane
Stanmore, HA7 4LQ
United Kingdom

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