WeeklyMail-Teachers-13.09.2013 (copy 01)


Teacher Information Update
Friday 13 September, 2013 / 5 Dhul Qa'adah 1434

Teacher's Tip
Start your Class with a Du’a of your choice - tie in everything you teach with a sprinkle of spiritual upliftment!

Aqaid Course with Shaykh Shomali
The S I Madressa has organised an intensive Aqaid development course to be facilitated by Shaykh Mohammedali Shomali. For more details please visit our website at: www.madressa.net or view the recent circular by clicking here.

Madressa students and Stanmore Jafferys will be...
For the next few weeks, Madressa students and Stanmore Jafferys will be helping raise money for the World Federation's 'Fill My Cup' appeal. For £2/month each of these children is served a nutritious cup of porridge every morning before they begin their school day. With a full stomach and a peaceful mind, they become better learners and increase their odds of breaking out of the cycle of poverty. The Madressa class that raises the most will each be awarded a prize! Please support and encourage your children to raise whatever they can for this appeal. More information here: http://www.world-federation.org/Appeals/AppealHomePageID174

External Message: Teen Seminar
The Peterborough M.K.S.I. is planning to hold a Teen Seminar on Sunday 13th October, 2013 for youths ages 16-19. They have extended the invitation to our community to also benefit from this event. For more information click on the links below to view the posters.

Men's Teen Seminar
Women's Teen Seminar

Salaams & Du'as
S I Madressa Administration

In This Update

External Messages
  • Teen Seminar - Peterborough

Diary Dates


Madressa Is Open This Sunday...
Kenmore: 10:20 am
Stanmore: 10:00 am

From our Website...

S I Madressa - Husaini Islamic Centre, Wood Lane
Stanmore, HA7 4LQ
United Kingdom

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