[IMPORTANT] MCE SIM Assessment – A humble appeal Final

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Salaamun Alaykum.
It is my humble request to you to read the below in full and invite you to participate as outlined below.
On Sunday 2 March 2014, S I Madressa will undergo the MAEP, MADRASAH ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION PROGRAMME carried out by The Madrasah Centre of Excellence [MCE] - a body under the World Federation.
MCE is the vehicle that delivers and maintains the strategies for the Madrasah programme globally. Its focus would be to attain harmony amongst the madaris worldwide and realise the vision by coordinating the four work streams – Curriculum Development, Teacher Development, Learning Resources and Assessment & Evaluation.
It is on the last point of Assessment & Evaluation where MAEP falls in place. MAEP is about raising standards in our madaris globally through an assessment and evaluation process that is designed, detailed and implemented by those working in the madrasah.
Part of the assessment is to complete a short “Parent Questionnaire” requested by the MCE and our attempts past two weeks in inviting parents/guardians to complete this has only resulted in less than 5% participation. Of course, when sharing the results with the MCE team they have expressed deep concerns and disappointment that a Madressa of Stanmore’s repute and size could only yield less than 5% completion and has requested us to make one final attempt to invite the Parents/Guardians to complete the short survey.
It is on that note I humbly request you to complete the short survey that will take max 2 minutes of your time but will go long way in the overall assessment process.
Click Here
I extend my sincere thanks to all parents/guardians for your continued support and look forward to your participation in above survey, which of course is fully anonymous.
Salaams & Duas,
Sajjad Govani
S I Madressa

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