Weekly Updates – 17th March, 2017

Global Product Committee
Friday 10 March 2017
11 Jamada Al Thaani 1438
Dear SIM Volunteers,
Salaamun Alaykum

In this week's communications:
  • Registers - Help Us Out!
  • SIM Hearing Impaired Class
  • Down Syndrome Day - Wear Odd Socks!
  • Sadaqa Day - March 26th, 2017
Registers - Help Us Out!

Please help us and make it a little easier for when we translate the data into our system. Please mark as per the guidelines at the bottom of the register, and double check at the end of class that all students are marked even if they arrived late or are absent.

Please do not rely on the attendance taken in the lesson before yours as students may have left, or may arrive late to your specific lesson.

Registers will be picked up by Madressa helpers during 3rd lesson. The folder containing the BM Register should be returned to the designated register box and not taken home.

SIM Hearing Impaired Class  

Alhamdulillah, on the 26th of February, 2017, the S I Madressa began a Special Class for Hearing Impaired students. It is a great achievement to be able to have the resources to providing an Islamic Education for a small group of students.

A special thanks to the BSL (British Sign Langage) trained volunteers and the Learning Support Team who have made this initiative possible.

We request your prayers for the class to be successful.

Down Syndrome Day - Wear Odd Socks!
World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), observed on 21 Marchevery year, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.

Did You Know? 

The 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. 

So here's what we are asking you to do! Join us in wearing odd socks this Sunday 19th March, 2017 at Madressa in support of the achievement and talents of some amazing individuals who have Down Syndrome.

Sadaqa Day - March 26th, 2017  

“Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame.” (Imam Ali (AS)

On Sunday 26th March 2017, SIM is holding its Annual Sadaqa Day. Alhamdulilah, we are honoured to be partnering with the following charities this year:

  • Al-Mizan
  • Bags to Achieve
  • Refugee Council
  • Sufra NW London
  • Salusbury World

Last Sunday, 12th March, 2017, students were requested to bring in various items to donate to the charities on the day.  A list of the items that each class have been assigned and that students can bring is available here

Please note that students must bring in the items ON Sunday 26th March, 2017 and drop them off at the assigned drop-off points which will be confirmed prior to Sadaqa Day.

There will also be activities taking place throughout the day helping students be more aware and realise the importance that Islam places on the giving of Sadaqa. 

We are inviting parents to join us and take part in what promises to be a great day where we all come together to help those less fortunate than ourselves, Insh'Allah.

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Diary Dates
Sunday 12th Mar, 2017
Teaching Week 9 (Open)

Sunday 19th Mar, 2017
Teaching Week 10 (Open)

Sunday 9th Apr, 2017
Easter Holidays (Closed)

Sunday 16th Apr, 2017
Easter Holidays (Closed)
Photocopy Requests

Click here to submit a photocopy request.

All requests must be submitted latest by Wednesday prior to the Sunday needed. Late submissions will be accommodated on best efforts only.
IT/AV Facilities - Northwood School
Teacher Manuals

Using Teacher Portal

The Teacher's Portal is a one-stop tool for teachers.
Use the portal for more than just submitting marks and report cards. You can view your class students, timetable, past report cards, student attendance, and even get in touch with parents. Click the button above to access the portal.
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