Madressa Quran Recitation Course
Salaamun Alaykum,
Further to our success of holding the Quran course last year and in light of schools and madressa closing, we would like to give students an opportunity to continue spending their time productively in the way of Allah. These courses will be based online.
The Quran course will be offered to boys and girls between the ages of 8-11 years old. The aim of this Qura’n recitation course is to help boost Qura’n recitation for those with little/no fluency and also to help those are already doing well to improve further.
Please find below feedback from parents whose children attended the course:
“I signed my son up for the two week quran course in the hope that his recitation would improve a little at least. What I did not expect was such a huge improvement and within the first week itself. The method that Mohamed Kazim is using to improve recitation is one that my son has responded to instantly. Our son has actually been enthusiastic about reciting long passages to show me what he has learnt on a daily basis. I commend the organisers for facilitating this course and would highly recommend that such courses continue in the future.”
“Thanks for everything, the lessons were very beneficial for my son, he picked on his weaknesses and is reciting everyday to practice what he learnt, I look forward to sending him in the near future with regards to more classes. “
“My son was enthused about Quran during the two weeks the classes were held. He found the method of teaching exciting but more importantly very encouraging. I would love to see more such classes held in the future”
“My son found the additional Quran classes very useful. Normally he is reluctant to go to Quran but the format of the class and the engaging methods by the teacher made it very interesting for him. He really enjoyed the games on the syllables and was actually looking forward to go to them.”
“My son enjoyed the classes a lot, found it engaging, and from the conversations I’ve had with him he particularly enjoyed the method that he was taught to recite more fluently.”
The classes will be held every Wednesdays, for 6 weeks. Enrolling your child means that he will have to attend all 6 days.
Boys class 5: 11:45-13:00
Girls class 5: 11:45-13:00
Boys class 6: 14:00-15:15
Girls class 6: 14:00-15:15
Week 1: Wednesday 8th April 2020
Week 2: Wednesday 15th April 2020
Week 3: Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Week 4: Wednesday 29th April 2020
Week 5: Wednesday 6th May 2020
Week 6: Wednesday 13th May 2020
Student at the S I Madressa: £35.00
Not a student at the S I Madressa: £40.00
Spaces are limited and will be allocated on first serve first bases.