23 May2017
Jurisprudential Trivia for Mums
15 masaels, in 10 minutes :
State true or false or complete the answer where ever required.
Q1- 304. If a person doubts after Wudhu whether any obstruction was there or not, his Wudhu will be valid. T/F
Q2- 311. If a person doubts during namaz whether he has performed Wudhu, his prayers will be regarded correct . T/F
Q3- 312. If a person realises after offering prayers, that his Wudhu became void, but doubts whether it became void before namaz or after, the prayers offered by him will be deemed in order. T/F
Q4-1061. If a person utters the Zikr of Sajdah by mistake, before his forehead reaches the ground and realises his mistake before he raises his head from Sajdah he should _____________________ ______________________________
Q5- 1062. If after raising the head from Sajdah, a person realises that he has done so before the completing of the Zikr of Sajdah, his prayers are in order. T/F
Q6- 1066. The place where a person places his forehead for Sajdah should not be higher _______________, compared to where he places his knees and the tips of the toes.
Q7- 1450. If Imam is in the third or fourth Rak’at, and the follower knows that if he joins him and recites Surah al-Hamd he will not be able to reach him in Ruku then he should _______________
Q8-1427. If after the takbir of the Imam, the persons in the front row are ready for prayers and are about to say takbir, can a person standing in the 4th row can say takbir.? Y/N
Q9- 1455. If Imam is standing, and the follower does not know in which Rak’at he is, he can join him, but he should recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah with the niyyat of Qurbat though he may come to know later that the Imam was in the first or second Rak’at. Is his namaz valid or void ? __________
Q10- Briefly explain the method of reciting namaze ihtiyat. In points: __________________________________________________________
Q11-1649. If a woman gets Pak from Haidh or Nifas after the Fajr or if Haidh or Nifas begins during the day though just near the Maghrib time, her fast is void. T/F
Q12- 1636. If a person in Janabat in the night of Ramadhan feels certain that if he goes to sleep he will wake up before the time of Fajr prayers, and is determined to do Ghusl upon waking up, and oversleeps till the time of Fajr prayers, his fast will be in order. T/F
Q13-1632. If a person who does not have time for Ghusl or performing tayammum in a night of Ramadhan gets into state of Janabat, his fast will be void . T/F
Q14-1669. The Kaffarah of Intentionally leaving out a fast of Ramadhan is :
Q15- During Namaaz e Jamaat the follower should do all the actions and dhikr after the Imam otherwise the prayer will be regarded as void. T/F