Dress Code

Vector Muslim Kids

Within the Madressa, all students must adhere strictly to the dress code, outlined below. All students must observe modest dressing.

Why does the Madressa have a Dress code / uniform?

The reason why the Madressa has a dress code or uniform in place, is to re-enforce its purpose as an institute of Islamic learning, whilst at the same time for our students it will re-enforce their primary purpose and focus at the Madressa is for learning which is also the main objective to which they are being brought to Madressa by their respected parents. Furthermore, it is intended that a single uniform will enable an atmosphere of cohesion and unity amongst the student body.


  • Footwear: Studded shoes or Heelys (shoes with wheels) are not permitted to be worn at Madressa


  • Plain white shirt (either a t-shirt or long sleeve shirt) and it should have no logos.
  • Trousers coloured either black, grey or navy (this can include: jeans [not ripped], jogging bottoms or trousers but not shorts)
  • Khanzu (coloured either white, grey, navy or black)
  • Optional: grey, black or navy jumper (no logos or hoodies)
  • No baseball caps


Although girls are not Baligh when they start at Madressa in Reception, we would encourage all girls to wear appropriate modest clothing, their arms and legs should be covered, and they must wear a scarf.


  • Loose, dark coloured, closed Abaya/Chadar and correctly observed Hijab (covering the hair and neck)
  • Make-up should not be visible
  • Nail varnish should not be worn
  • Minimal or discrete jewellery

Children will generally be outside during break, therefore please ensure appropriate clothing is worn e.g. jackets. (Please make sure all jackets are labelled with your child’s full name).