LS: Support from our Leaders
The Learning support department has received letters of support from various distinguished individuals.
Sheikh Shomali
I would like to congratulate your work […] in providing an Islamic education to children with special needs at the Stanmore Sunday school. This is certainly an area of concern that needs more attention. It is also an opportunity to please Allah (swt).
I firmly believe that any community or educational institution that tries their best to take care of those who are with special needs are loved by Allah (swt) and His kind and loving servants.
May Allah (swt) accept this service from you and enable you to excel.
Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
The more difficult a task for the teacher, the greater the reward. That is why the effort and work undertaken by teachers of special needs students is commendable, as it requires more focus and patience.
I would like to express my support for the staff and teachers at the Shia Ithna’Asheri Madressa in Stanmore, and especially the Learning Support department, for their hard work and dedication. I pray to Allah (swt) to bless their efforts, reward them abundantly, and grant them tawfeeq in both worlds.
Sheikh Ahmed Haneef
You have my firmest support because what you are doing is nothing less than a pioneering role to bring the beautiful teachings of our beloved Ahl al Bayt to those deprived of their teachings just because they have been psychologically or educationally challenged.
May Allah Give You the Strength and Power to Carry On.
Sheikh Muhammad Abbas Panju
The Infallible Imam (peace be upon him) compares the teacher with a beacon of light because he/she goes through great pain, effort and sacrifice to guide his/her students towards the teachings of Islam by removing them from the pits of ignorance and darkness.
The teacher is a source of comfort who the student can trust in and refer back to, consequently the teacher helps the child build a positive Islamic character – in the darkness of ignorance, confusion and fear, the teacher is a lamp of guidance and assurance.
Having said this, I would like to congratulate your team on their dedication and tireless efforts in teaching the madrassa students the principles of our faith. Furthermore, keeping in mind that you are serving children with various disabilities, this requires additional patience and compassion.
It is necessary that all the teachers exhibit these two traits – as it is through patience and compassion that you are able to grant the children the gift of confidence in learning. The holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated:
“The one who does not exhibit compassion towards the creation cannot expect compassion from the Creator”
Sayed Ammar Nakshawani
May Allah (SWT) bless your work…absolutely brilliant and important! It would have been an honour to visit.
Sayed Razawi
May the All Mighty (swt) strengthen your will to continue to serve the community as service is an important stepping-stone towards the Divine.