Term 2 – Beliefs & Actions Projects

Term 2 Projects are focused around the subject of Beliefs & Actions. Each class teacher has assigned a project for the students to work on over the break. BA Project Day will be on 9th of July where classes will present their works.

Junior Class Projects

Girls Projects

Boys Projects

The Beliefs & Action gents department have arranged for a trip to two of our local community cemeteries on Sunday 9th July 2017 for Classes 5-10 Boys.

The topic for the trip is diversity and taqwa. We would like the children to learn that skin deep differences are unimportant and rather personal improvement and taqwa is the key for success in this life and hereafter.

In addition, students will have the opportunity to get to know each other outside of a classroom environment and reflect on each other’s experiences.

We will be meeting at the Cemetery at 10:30AM and departing from the cemetery at 12:15pm and heading back to Madressa.

*Bottled water will be provided


Woodcock Hill Cemetery
Harefield Road,


Carpender’s Park Cemetery
Oxhey Lane
Watford, Hertfordshire
WD19 5RL