08 Mar2017 Volunteer Registration Form Written by . Posted in Teachers Tools 2017 Step 1 of 2 - Contact Information 50% Full Name* Email* Occupation* Contact Number (Home) Contact Number (Mobile)* Date of Birth* Day Month Year Volunteers must be 16 years of age or above.Gender*MaleFemaleAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Are you already a teacher at the Madressa or are you expressing your interest to join?*I am expressing my interest to join the MadressaI am already a teacher at the Madressa and have been requested to complete the Volunteer Registration Form Which year group are you assisting / teaching?How much time are you able to commit on a weekly basis?*1-2 Hours2-3 HoursWhat capacity would you like to assist the Madressa in?*Teacher/Teaching Assist. of 4-7 year olds (infants)Teacher/Teaching Assist. of 8-11 year olds (juniors)Teacher/Teaching Assist. of 12-14 year olds (seniors)Teacher/Teaching Assist.of 15-16 year olds (HED)Non-Teaching RoleCar Park VolunteerEducational DevelopmentOtherIf you selected 'Other', please specify: Which subject are you interested in teaching/assisting in?* Qur'an Appreciation Tarbiyah (Integrated Fiqh, Aqaid, Akhlaq, Tarikh) Higher Education Department (Ages 15-16) Learning Support (Special Education Needs) HED Youth Development Project (Mentoring) Other If you selected 'Other', please specify: Do you have any previous Madressa / non-Madressa teaching experience* No Yes Please could you briefly outline your experience:*Are you First Aid qualified? No Yes Please state your specific qualification: Where did you hear about us?*Madressa weekly mails or other Madressa communicationsMadressa websiteLocal mosque programmeSocial mediaOtherIf you selected 'Other', please specify: Please confirm that you have reviewed our Staff Charter (https://madressa.net/staff-charter/) and that you agree to abide by this at all times:* I confirm I have reviewed this and agreeCAPTCHA Continue Reading